In the earlier module , I have explained how to create a Task object and delegate the work responsibility to separate thread of the application. It is more or less identified as a code Task because there is a specific set of code that existing which is responsible for the parallel execution.
But, what if there is a situation where we do not have a specific code to execute parallel instated we have an API call or some I/O operation to execute and yield the result ? We can use the Facade Tasks to solve these kind of operations.
Following is a very simple example of how to write a Facade Task to make a parallel Async API call.
The Sample application is to download stock data from various stock data sources ( Yahoo,MSN and Nasdaq). We are going to call all these 3 sources and Yield results from the first source which would return data.
The TaskCompletionSource is the important class here which is responsible for creating the Facade Task.
But, what if there is a situation where we do not have a specific code to execute parallel instated we have an API call or some I/O operation to execute and yield the result ? We can use the Facade Tasks to solve these kind of operations.
Following is a very simple example of how to write a Facade Task to make a parallel Async API call.
The Sample application is to download stock data from various stock data sources ( Yahoo,MSN and Nasdaq). We are going to call all these 3 sources and Yield results from the first source which would return data.
Taskt_yahoo = GetDataFromYahooAsync(symbol, numYearsOfHistory); Task t_nasdaq = GetDataFromNasdaqAsync(symbol, numYearsOfHistory); Task t_msn = GetDataFromMsnAsync(symbol, numYearsOfHistory); Task [] tasks = { t_yahoo, t_nasdaq, t_msn }; int index = Task.WaitAny(tasks); // proceed when at least one Task is completed. Task winner = tasks[index]; foreach (Task t in tasks) // cancel outstanding requests: if (t != winner) (t.AsyncState as RequestState).Request.Abort(); return winner.Result;
So the Async Methods are as follows
private static TaskGetDataFromYahooAsync(string symbol, int numYearsOfHistory) { // Create the required URL HttpWebRequest WebRequestObject = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url); RequestState state = new RequestState( WebRequestObject, string.Format(", daily Adj Close, {0} years", numYearsOfHistory), new char[] { ',' }, 6 /*Adj Close*/ ); IAsyncResult iar = WebRequestObject.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(WebResponseCallback), state); // create Task facade, containing asyncstate so we cancel if necessary: state.TaskSource = new TaskCompletionSource (iar.AsyncState); return state.TaskSource.Task; }
The TaskCompletionSource is the important class here which is responsible for creating the Facade Task.
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