Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Singleton Pattern

Singleton pattern is one of the easiest patterns that we can implement. However, if not properly implemented it would result many issues in the system which using this pattern. Industrially, the Singleton pattern heavily used whenever the application needs to access external resources such as file reads and database access.

The main objective of the singleton pattern is to maintain only one instance of a class. Normally the constructor of a singleton class does not have any parameters. Because having a parameter means there would be different behavior based on the constructor.
Following is an example to a s Singleton class.

  public class Singleton
        private static Singleton _instance;

        private Singleton()

        public static Singleton Instance
                if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = new Singleton();
                return _instance;

        public void DoWork()

Note that the constructor to this class is private. This means that external classes cannot create instances of this class. The instance needs to get created the class within itself.
Using the Singleton pattern is very easy. All we need to do is just refer the instance as follows.

    Singleton.Instance.DoWork ();

Being the implantation is very simple; the Singleton pattern is NOT thread safe. This is the main disadvantage of this pattern over its simplicity.

Most of the current applications are running on threaded environments and hence following is the way we can make the Singleton pattern thread safe.

One way that we can make the singleton thread safe is , using locks. But this is effecting to the performance of the application.

Following is a way we can make the singleton pattern thread safe. This is using the way that type initializers work in .Net. if the type is not marked as “Beforefieldinit ” , the type initialization happens on-demand in the compiler. Ie : lazy implementation.

Following is the code

public class LazySingleton
    private LazySingleton()

    public static LazySingleton Instance
        get { return Nested.instance; }

    private class Nested
        static Nested()

        internal static readonly LazySingleton instance = new LazySingleton();

One consequence of the Singleton pattern is , it is not easy to test it. We can avoid this using IOC. I will explain that in a different blog post.

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