Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Unit of Work Design Pattern

I thought of start a blog sessions on Design Patterns because understanding such is very important when it comes to the design of software systems. Lets start with the Unit OF Work Pattern. 

Unit of work design pattern is widely used pattern especially in the data access scenarios.  Following are the key points of advantages of this pattern.
  1. Efficient data access
  2. Properly manager concurrency problems
  3. Manage transactions

Using a UOW , we can limit the db calls specially when saving data. We can implement a commit method in the UOW and do atomic transaction to the db which may saves in different tables. We can use the same principle to manage business transactions as well. Assume we are having different data providers from db, web service and windows service. Using the UOW ( again using commit method ) we can manage an atomic transaction over different entities. 

                                                             Figure 1 : Unit Of Work          
When it comes to .Net data access , the technologies such as Entity Framework adopted the UOW pattern by default. Following is an example.

var context = new ObjectContext(_connectionString);

            var employeeOne =
                    .OrderByDescending(e => e.registeredDate)

            employeeOne.registeredDate = employeeOne. registeredDate.AddDays(1);

            var lastEmployee =
                    .OrderBy(e => e.HireDate)

            lastEmployee.FirstName = "James";

            context. SaveChanges();

In this example , context.saveChanges() is the commit method in the UOW. We can see that two changes effected to SaveChanges the employeeOne and lastEmployee objects getting saved at once later in the SaveChanges method.

Implementing UOW pattern with Entity Framework

Even though I have given the above simple example to understand the UOW , the practical usage of this pattern is bit more complex. The main objective of the UOW is grouped different entities in to one logical business unit. Rather than tightly couple with data objects as in this example , it is always better perform an implementation to a well-structured interface.

Following example depicts more practical usage of UOW using Entity framework.


     public interface IUnitOfWork {
            IRepository<Employee> Employees { get; }
            IRepository<TimeCard> TimeCards { get; }
            void Commit();

This is the basic structure of our sample UOW which consisting two entities. We would be doing all operations to those entities and the atomic transaction is implemented using the Commit() method. We are using the repository pattern for to implement two entities in this example.  These two patterns are blending together well in most of the implementations.

Following is an example of implementation of the UOW.

public class UnitOfWorkImpl : IUnitOfWork {
        public UnitOfWorkImpl () {
            var connectionString =

            _context = new ObjectContext(connectionString);
            _context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;

        public IObjectSet<Employee> Employees {
            get { return _context.CreateObjectSet<Employee>(); }

        public IObjectSet<Salary> TimeCards {
            get { return _context.CreateObjectSet<Salary>(); }

        public void Commit() {

        readonly ObjectContext _context;
        const string ConnectionStringName = "MyConStr";
This can be implemented using other technologies as well such as NHibernate, WCF Data services etc..

Following is an example of how we can use the UOW implementation class.

public partial class EmployeeController : Controller {

        public EmployeeController()
            : this(new SqlUnitOfWork()) {


        public EmployeeController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) {
            _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;

        public ViewResult Index() {
            var model = _unitOfWork.Employees
                                   .OrderBy(e => e. registeredDate)                  
            return View(model);

        public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection) {
            var model = _unitOfWork.Employees.Single(e => e.Id == id);
            TryUpdateModel(model, new string[] { "FirstName", "registeredDate" });
            if (ModelState.IsValid) {
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            return View(model);


Thursday, 30 October 2014

Prevent SQL Injections in your applications

SQL injection is an area where most of the applications leave venerable openings to the system. This can be prevented with in many ways as described as follows.

If we take an example of the following url

we can divide this url in to main two sections in terms of security.

The first part up until the “id=” sections is considered as the trusted section , or trusted area. Because this part is controlled by the developer. Ie : it has some kind of predefined control in it.
But if you go the query string section, it is considered as the untrusted section. Because, anyone can take control of the payload of that section.

Following are the common sources of untrusted data

·         Query strings
·         Forms postings
·         Cookies
·         Request headers
·         External data integrations

Following are some points where we can improve the security in terms of SQL injections.

1.       Least privilege principle

Normally when we are creating a user ( lets say a SQL Server user where the we are using in the Connection string to connect to the DB ) , we are giving the user default privileges. But is this useful? Normally, we do not need any DBA rights to the application user. Just read and write privileges for the transactions tables and other relevant db object would be far more enough to the application user. So even though the application user credentials have got leaked , we can minimize the impact to the db.

2.       Use inline SQL parameterization

Take a look at the following query

var cmdQuery = “Select * from Students where id=” + studentId;

so the studentId variable may would contain any malicious payloads which can harm your database. The best way to prevent is by using inline SQL parameterization as below.

  var cmdQuery = “Select * from Students where id=@StudentId”;

you can bind the @StudentId param with the incoming variable.

3.       Use SQL Stored procedures instead of inline queries

If you do not have the option of using an ORM to access data. The best way to execute queries in terms of security  is using stored procedures with parameters. This would isolate the db queries from the application logic as well.

4.       Implement  a white list for incoming parameters

We can implement the whitelist using type conversion, regular expressions and using list of known values. Best way to do is get rid of strings as much as possible. But if you must using strigns the best way to use is implement reg ex expression filters to filter strings.

5.       Use ORM

Always try to use an ORM ( Object Relational Mapper ) to connect with your Database. This would eliminate many SQL injection vuanaabilities and improves performance ( this is subjective though ) , and decrees number lines of codes as well.

6.       Securing inline queries inside a Stored Procedure.

As I explained before , using Stored Procedure would eliminate most of the injection vunarabilities. But we need to use Stored procedures in causion. Take a look at the following TSQL.


SET @Query =   ‘ Select * from Students where Name Like ‘’%’ + @SearchName + ‘%’’’


What we are doing here is just move the injection vulnerability from the application code to the back end code. Anyone use the @SearchName to pass in malicious payload.

Eg : ‘ Or 1=1 – would return full dataset in above example

Best is not to use dynamic inline query like these in the TSQL or any back end. But if you must use inline queries , you can mitigate this particular risk update the code as follows.


SET @Query =   ‘ Select * from Students where Name Like ‘’%’ ‘+ @SearchName + ‘‘%’’’

EXEC sp_executesql @Query, N’@LocalSearchName VARCHAR(50)’ , @LocalSearchName =@SearchName



Thursday, 16 October 2014

Install NuGet Packages offline to Visual Studio Projects

There would be situations that you need to install NuGet packages when you are in offline mode. Following are the instruction that you need to follow.

1. In VS , Goto : Tools -------> Library Package Manager -------> Manage NuGet Package for solutions

2. Go to Settings and Add a new Package source with local folder specified.

3. Copy your downloaded NuGet packages to the configured folder

4. Go to the Package Manager console and execute following command with relevant NuGet Package

     Install-Package Microsoft.Owin.Hosting -Source C:\NuGet

You are good to go now ! 

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Configure a non https cookie in an https ASP.Net environment

When you deploy your site with https enables ( ie : when you have a secured transport layer ) following is the configuration we need to do to make sure all our cookies are secured and channeled through https.  

<httpCookies requireSSL="true"/> 

But there would be situations where you do not need all your cookies secured. May be you are sending or receiving some non-sensitive data. Following is one way that we can override the existing secured cookies configuration.

Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("unsecurecookie)")


                Value = "thevalue",

                Secure = false


Secure = false is the key attribute here.

There might be situations where you need to redirect the url to https forcefully if the request in is http. Following is one way of doing this.






But keep in mind that we are doing this in the Server. There might be deployments where you configure the SSL Certificate in the load balancer in front of web servers ( in a web farm environment as an example). In these case aforementioned method would not work because for the web server the Request is always un-secure.  We need to handle these kind of situations with http headers.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

ASP.Net using location path attribute to secure URL access

One of the easiest security access mechanism that we can maintain is secure URL access. One way of doing this using authorization attribute in controller action method if you are using MVC. You can use this attribute to secure entire controller as well. Just place the Authorize attribute in the contoller class definition.
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
Studentstudent = db.Students.Find(id);
But this is more or less hard coding the role in to the code and this is action level authorization. But in page level ,we can use location path attribute in web config to perform more configurable access rule.
Following is an example in web.config
<location path="Students/Edit">
<deny users="?"/>
<allow roles="Admin"/>
Keep in mind that this would not work properly if you are mapping the URL into a different name in the RouteConfigs.cs
Eg :
routes.MapRoute("Student", "NewStudentUrl", new { Controller = "Student", action = "Edit" });
In a situation like this, it is better to use the aforementioned authorize attribute in cs code